Wednesday, 10 October 2012

It's Day 2 in the Perfect Smile Adventures...

First night with my aligners they were extremely tight, I have to say I quite enjoyed the discomfort of chewing the 'chewy' I received in my box. For those wondering if I have been eating dog treats.....Basically to force the aligners to move the teeth you are advised to chew on the piece of hard rectangular rubber provided that pushes the aligner where it should be.

First day at work - Met a girl on my way to work that I haven't seen in a few months, she had no idea I had a brace - INVISIBLE. I was feeling a little concious of my speech so pointed it out and she was surprised. We started chatting about a number of other people that we know have been considering, I'm like a guinea pig to old friends!

I've found the aligners have a fair few other advantages actually, I cannot chew my bottom lip anymore, a habit I was very much needing to give up and I also cannot snack all day at work as I'd be spending the day back and forward to clean my teeth.
So as well as straight teeth, I may have stopped a chapped bottom lip and lost some chub from the reduced amount of snacking :)

My aligners are pretty comfortable, there's a slight sharp edge on the bottom one grazing the inside of lip every now and again but besides that you quickly get used to them each time they are back in place.

In terms of speech, I find myself whistling accidently as if I have a gap in my teeth now and again, it is quite funny, my family and people at work are really enjoying it!
The standard 's' and 'sh' are the problematic phonetics but I think I manage to get most of them sounding alright or I have to start the word again because it just comes out like a noisy mess.

Meeting my boyfriend for the first time tonight....I'll post tomorrow what he makes of it!

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